A Typical Kolhapuri menu for my Baba
Mutton - 1/2 Kg.
Onion - 4 medium Size
Dry Grated Coconut - 1/2 Cup
Poppy Seeds (Khuskhus) - 2 Tea Spoon
Kanda Lasun Masala - 5 Tea spoon
Sesame Seeds - 2 Tea Spoon
Black Pepper - 8
Cloves -8
Cinnamon - 2 pieces
Black cardamom - 2
Ginger - 3 inch piece
Garlic cloves - 15-16
Coriander - 1/2 cup
Oil - 1/2 Cup
Turmeric Powder - 1 Tea spoon
Asafetida - 1 pinch
Salt to taste.

Make a thin Paste of Garlic, Ginger and Coriander leaves. Marinate mutton with this paste and keep aside for 15-20 minutes. Heat Oil in kadai and fry vertically sliced 3 onions till it turns to golden brown. Roast grated coconut in 2 tea spoon oil. Roast poppy seeds, sesame seeds and kanda lasun masala without oil. Take 2 teaspoon oil in hot kadai and fry all dry spices in it. Make a paste of above all fried and roasted ingredients.
Heat a pressure cooker and pour remaining oil in it. Add Asafetida and Turmeric Powder . Now saute 1 vertically sliced onion in it. Then Add Marinated Mutton into it. Saute it for 5 minutes. Now add Masala paste and salt mix it properly. Add 3 cups of water. Pressure cook it upto 2-3 whistles.
Tamda Rassa is ready. Serve hot with Bhakri or Roti and sliced Onion.
hi...can u post a recipe for peethla ?
yummy plate, looks rich and hot; lovely color!
Hey, Priya I will definitely post the recipe of Pithala and it's varieties soon. Thanks to both of you for your comments.
hi...... i m a non blogger. can u post the recipe for maharashtrian gavthi chicken curry traditional style? i would look forward to it.
can you please post a short cut for bachelor. I am in Dubai, difficult to locate kanda lasun masala.
Hi Anonymous(?),
Thanks for the comment. Instead of Kanda lasun masala, you can take 6-7 garlic cloves, 1 medium onion- sliced vertically and 1 tea spoon red chili powder. Deep fry onion and garlic till it turns to brown. and make a paste of these three and add it to chicken. Thanks once again...
Can we have the recipe of how to make Kanda Lasun masala?
Hey Aseem, soon I'll posst kanda lasun masala recipe... it's easy:)
Your Tambda Rassa and Suka mutton look so good that I am going to try your recipies for both(rassa and sukha mutton) in next couple of days. Will keep you updated on the results.
However, I have few questions, if you could please answer them for me and the other readers, that would be a great help!
1.What kind of meat is perfect for tambda rassa?What should I tell the butcher?
2.What about sukka mutton? What should I tell the butcher?
3. How long does it take for 1/2 kg mutton to cook in pressure cooker(and how many whistles?)
4. How long can one store cooked mutton curry in fridge?
5. Is it possible to do this curry in slow cooker? Any pointers that could help in preventing the mutton from being overcooked?
6. Would it be possible for you to give the qty of onions/tomatoes by weight? Becoz depending upon whether you live in India/US the term 'medium' sized onion has a very different meaning!
I appreciate the effort you have put in making this blog and I'll look forward to new recipies from you.Thanks.
Hey Vaibhav thanks a lot for the response you have given to my post.
I am trying to give answer for your queries.
1&2. Generally I ask for curry cut fresh mutton for both the recipes.
3. It will take 8-10 minutes to cook in pressure cooker. First 2 whistle on max flame and 3rd one on minimum.
4. As per rule you should eat it fresh but you can store it for max 2 days. My husband loves 1 day old rassa :)
5. Sorry, I don’t have any idea about cooking in slow cooker.
6. 4 medium size onions mean approximately 200 gms.
Once again thanks a ton. I will look forward for your response & updates for Tambda Rassa & Sukka mutton :)
Here's the feedback of our culinary adventure: It was great!
My wife and I made: Tambda Rassa,Pandra Rassa and Sukka mutton and everything worked out really well. We made Tambda Rassa in the slow cooker.We pretty much followed your recipes,except that we used lesser amounts of garlic and coconut.
Also I cannot understand how your sukka mutton looks so red after putting so much of green corriander. Ours turned out to be greenish in color,but tasted really good. I have with me pics of these that I can share with you. If you could send me your email ID, I'll send them gladly.
Thank you for putting up these recipes. They were a great help.
I have a request. To make it easy for readers across the globe, instead of saying 'bunch of green corriander' it'd help if you say 2 cupfulls of chopped green corriander. Likewise, instead of saying "15 cloves of garlic" if you say something like "5 tbsp of garlic paste" it would make it really clear.
Good luck to your fantastic blog, we love it.Keep posting!
Thanks Vaibhav, I appreciate your response:). I will definitely remember your suggestion while writing next post. One more thing- My red chili powder has nice red colour so the sukka mutton’s colour is that red.
Can i make Tambda Rassa with chicken instead of mutton?
Definitely Nidhi, you can do it with chicken:)
Dear Sir,
when can we have the Kanda Lasun masala recipe? Without that, you cannot make this recipe...
Thank you for the recipe,I happen to try this today wit a little it of variation to suit my taste which I have blogged here.
I loved the outcome.Thanks once again!!
By far, this is the tastiest mutton curries that I have tasted.
I am born and brought up in Mumbai and this is the closest that you can get to a perfect maharashtrian mutton thali.
Kudos for the excellent recipes.
Keep posting!!!
Satyen Menon
I love to cook and love to try and go for that extra mile for any authentic cuisine.
This is the best Kolhapurat cuisine recipe I have found online. Have tried and loved it. You have done a great job. Thanks.
I tried and loved how the results came out. I think these are the best kolhapuri mutton recipes I found online. Thanks a lot for posting this. You are doing a very good job.
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