Wednesday, October 20, 2010


As all of you know currently "ONLY FESTIVE" event is going on my blog. And yesterday day was ONLY AWARDS day for me. Two very good friends of mine, Akila of Akila's Kitchen & Harini of Tamalapaku has sent a lovely Award for me. Thanks a lot both of you. I think it's a precious Festival gift for me :-)

 After celebration some Rules …..

1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers.  Please don't leave it general and just invite all your blogger friends to collect the Award.  It's always nice to be nominated so please do the favour and nominate 15 bloggers to share the Award with.

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they’ve been chosen.

I am very much confused to select only 15 among so many blogs….

Blogs , I have selected are having awesome collection of recipes you must give a look ………
  1. Lakshmi of Taste of Mysore
  2. Chaitrali of I am not a chef
  3. Sanyukta Gour of Creative Sanyukta
  4. PJ of Seduce Your Tastebuds
  5. Meera of Enjoy Indian Food
  6. Nivedita of Nivedita's Kitchen
  7. Pratibha's The chef and her kitchen
  8. Umm Mymoonah of Taste of pearl city
  9. Aipi of US MASALA
  10. Ambika of Ambikas Kitchen
  11. Lataji of Flavours and tastes
  12. Tanmaya of Chamchameet
  13. Jagruti of Joy of Cooking
  14. Anjali of Annaparabramha
  15. Sheetal of My cooking Experiment


  1. Preeti,Congrats on the award..So sweet of you for passing it on :).Thanks a bunch..

  2. Congratulations on your award and enjoy it. Thanks dear for thinkin gof me :)

  3. Thanks a tonne dearie!!!! and am drooling ove the chaklis in the older post!
    Happy diwali in advance!

  4. Congrats on your well deserved award and wish u more such awards and success in future

  5. Congrats on your awards, wish you many more awards. Thank you so much for passing this award to me, that's really sweet of you :)

  6. Hey.Congrats on the award..well deserved..Thanks a lote for sharing it with me..... I definitely feel elated:)

    US Masala

  7. Congrats on your award. Thanks so much for thinking about me. Enjoy the festive season!

  8. Hey Priti
    Congrats n your awards..and thank you so much for thinking about me...Enjoy the festive season..

  9. Hey Preeti congrats on the award! Also thanks for nominating me.
