Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back with a Jelly Boats......

Hi All, I'm posting something on Khaugiri after almost six months. the reason behind that is very cute, now we have one lil member in our family........'Sara', my angel.  I am enjoying motherhood. But really I missed u all a lot. so thought to start with kid's favorite recipe. Though she doesn't eat anything, this one is only for her. I have bookmarked this recipe long back from Tarlaji's site. Prepared this on new year's party. And was a hit in the party. It's not time consuming and easiest recipe I have ever posted in Khaugiri. But nobody will understand how you made these edible boats.


Oranges -4
Instant Jelly Packets -2 (Any flavours. I used Strawberry and Mango)
Toothpick - 16
small paper flags - 16


Cut Oranges into half. While cutting it, cut it vertically so that you will get whole wedges of Oranges. (Not like what we cut to make a juice). Remove wedges. Do it carefully so that skin will not get any hole. You can make juice from those wedges of Oranges. Put jelly crystals in a pan. Add water as specified in the packets. Mix well. Boil it. Now keep it till it becomes warm. Keep all orange halves in separate bowl or you can use muffin tray to keep them steady.

 Refrigerate it till jelly sets. Now cut each half into two. So that it will take Boat shape. Trim the edges of orange's skin so that  it will get leveled with the jelly.Stick flags to toothpick. Put it into jelly Botas.Ur pretty Boats are ready to sail.